Okay, so we got an update this morning on what the heck is going on with our little man's referral! Andrew & I had a date night on Saturday & had 4 hours of uninterrupted grown up conversation. We agreed we had been patient enough in the waiting for some answers & decided it was time to call the Russia coordinator for our agency. With yesterday being a holiday, we had to wait until this morning.
Andrew called around 6 AM this morning when he got home from work because agency's headquarters office is 3 hours ahead. He was able to speak with program coordinator & she had some info :)
Here's what's been going on & what we're waitng for....
Our updated paperwork was translated by Dr. D & sent to the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Krasnoyarsk by the beginning of Decmeber. Then all gov't offices shut down through most of January due to the holidays. Russia program coordinator got an update from Dr. D about a week and a half ago that things are picking back up at the MOE & he is waiting for them to release our son's name to him. Once this happens, his info gets translated & sent to Russia coordinator, then to our social worker, then to us. So, she is calling Dr. D this week to check on update. Even though it's not the answer we were hoping for, it's an answer & we're not in the dark about why the wait has been longer than expected. There is some peace in that :)
Here are some ways you can pray for us!
1. The MOE will get their act together & release our referral ASAP!
2. God will keep our son safe, healthy, warm (it's still negative temps there), & prepare him for his new family.
3. We are still short the funds for trip #2, & it's a BIG chunk of money. God has provided everything else so far & the ONLY debt we have at this point is a low interest adoption loan with a Christian credit union. We have made the commitment that we do not want to go into credit card debt, & God has been faithful to provide through cash & your gifts to our fundraising account!! We know He has the rest of the funds figured out.
4. God will continue to prepare our family for this adventure & for our new family member. We know travelling with the kids on trip #1 will be stressful, but we are praying it will be an experience that will impact our family forever! On trip #2 we will go without the kids & be in Russia for about 25 days. Pray for the family people who will be taking care of the kids & for us to all get through such a long period of being apart.
5. Pray God will use our story to inspire other families to choose adoption!!It is NOT a second rate or last resort way of growing your family! It is just as special & important as having biological children & God EXPECTS Christian families to be a part of adoption. We hope & pray there will be many children adopted into forever families as a result of our testimony.
We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel & will hopefully have our referral in the next few weeks :) We are trusting God everyday for His perfect timing & seeing all of the ways He is getting us ready to bring our son home. We can't wait!!! Thank you for being a part of the journey with us......good news to come soon!
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