Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Travel plans...

So today we got a phonecall with some unexpected news....we could be travelling in about 16 days! It's tentative, but possible. We can't confirm & start getting ready until our doctor meets with us to go over baby's medical report on Monday. We know we are 100% moving forward, but they want us to get a medical professional to explain what everything means before we commit to him. It's totally understandable, but he is OURS no matter what and we are 100% committed to being his family:)

I'm sure I sounded like an idiot on the phone with our social worker (I was VERY surprised at this news) & couldn't believe we could be there so fast! We could be holding him for the first time on the 28th of this month. There's so much to do & plan....Andrew all ready started looking at flights & we've started preparing the kids for the LONG travel to Russia. It will take us 3 flights & 22 hours of flying to get there. We are planning to spend the night in London with family both ways, but will take the cheapest way that stretches our air miles :) After I calmed down a little from the news, I sat down to read my daily devotion book. I was several days behind, but the Bible verse it referenced was perfect for today.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." Jeremiah 1:5

This verse is on our refrigerator right next to his picture. I started thinking about how God planned this baby to be a part of our family....before he was conceived in his birthmother's womb, before he was conceived in my heart, before the world even existed. He was made to be ours & we were made to be his. Being half a world away from him is killing me, but I am sooooo looking forward to holding him for the first time. Now that reality is setting in that this is happening NOW, I've realized I can't let my anxiety take hold of me. When I stop & think about taking 3 kids to the other side of the world, "Are you crazy???" crosses my mind. What an adventure this is going to be :)

Here is how you can pray:

1. Monday's appointment with our doctor will clarify some things on baby's medical report. (Nothing major, just a few questions).
2. Confirmed travel plans next week & ALL of the crazy details that go with it, especially our visas!
3. FINANCES...that God would stretch our air miles & airfare will be less expensive than we think. 5 people taking 3 flights to the other side of the world...we need a miracle! We know that God will provide for trip #2, we just don't know how. Keep praying.
4. Our emotions as we have to leave baby at the end of trip #1. We will have 3 visits with him & then that's it until Andrew & I go back for court & finalizing everything to bring him home.
5. Details, details, details...I know I'm forgetting something important, but God knows :)

So, we are almost there! Thank you to everyone who has walked through this with us. Keep praying!


1 comment:

  1. So exciting! Thanks for the specifics on how to pray at this stage. Will be doing so! :)
