Monday, July 11, 2011

First visit & court prep

Today was a much better day! The sun was shining, the temps warmed up a little, my stomach is almost over motion sickness, & we got to hold our baby :)
The morning started with me putting too much in the little washer & the hose & electrical cord pulling out of the wall. OOPS! Andrew got it all fixed & we got the water cleaned up, but there was still a leak. S fixed it after our orphange visit & court prep. Lesson learned..don't try to wash 3 pairs of jeans in a washer that can barely hold 2.
Onto the baby....when we got to the orphanage we had to sign some paperwork which wasn't ready. While we were waiting, Y asked why baby had not been brought to us yet. Apparently he was finishing lunch & being changed. They brought him in about 5 minutes later & he was walking!! We had wondered if he would be yet. Anyway, he cried when I tried to pick him up which is totally normal. He wanted nothing to do with his bear he had been so attached to on the first trip. We got him a little interested in some toys & learned a few Russian words they use when playing. He is definitely responding to Russian commands. He was very timid with us & it took him longer to warm up than on the last trip. It was a gradual warming up process...halfway through he was doing much better & even let Andrew hold him for about 5 minutes! That's huge!!! The rest of the time he clung onto me & didn't want me to put him down. I hugged & kissed him all over. He started getting sleepy & just wanted me to hold him :) Our papers were ready to sign so we got that taken care of & then had some more time with him. When it was time for him to go back to his group for naptime, one of the caregivers came & took him. She was much friendlier than the caregiver last time & let us have a moment to say goodbye to him. Then the BEST thing happened-he cried & reached for me when she took him!!!!! It was heartbreaking, but at the same time FANTASTIC progress that he had bonded & recognized he was supposed to be with me! YAY!!!!
Then we headed back to the apartment & discussed court on the way. We feel prepared & Andrew just has a little homework to do. We have the first court hearing in the morning at 9:30. It will be 6:30 PM (Monday) in CA. PLEASE PRAY! Tomorrow is the most important day of this trip!! We were told we have a judge who can be friendly & smile.....we'll see! We'll keep you posted tomorrow & thank you all for the support! We love you & miss you kids! We're so glad we get to see you on skype! LOVE YOU!

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