Thursday, July 14, 2011

Waiting Day 2

Two days of the waiting period down! We had a GREAT visit with baby today, too! It was raining when we got up this morning...the weather today was insane. We had until 12:00 to sit around & wait, so we grabbed our umbrellas & headed down the street to the flea market. Interesting......reminded us of Mexico. We somehow stumbled into the meat & fish market then quickly turned around & left. I couldn't handle the smell! Then we headed to the grocery store for a few things & finally it was time to go to the orphanage.
We had our visit in the familiar music room today which helped. When the caregiver brought him in he cried for just a second when I took him. We were prepared with snacks & some juice. He ate the Gerber puffs we brought, but only if we fed them to him. They don't drink out of sippy cups in the orphanage, so we introduced that to him. He did really well & we know he'll have it down by the time we take him next weekend. I guess they just give them a teacup to drink out of once tey are off the bottle. He warmed up to both of us, but only let Andrew hold him a few times. He preferred for daddy to be near him so he could watch hm, but for me to be holding him. We fed him a piece of a banana, too & again he would only eat it if we fed it to him.
About halfway through the visit, he was very comforable & his personality started to come out! He was playing with all of the noisy toys, of course & we had him smiling & laughing :) One of his favorite things to do is hold our fingers & take us on walk around "his place." He is SO AWARE of everything going on around him. Every time someone would walk down the hallway he would turn towards the door & stretch his neck out to see who it was. There was a maintenance man outside doing some work & he was very interested in all of the noises he was making. He likes to open & shut things...I think we played the game of open & shut the toy cabinet about 25 times :) When it was time to go he was very recpetive to our hugs & kisses. We got smiles from him when the caregiver took him & se helped him wave goodbye. They are telling him we are "mama and papa" & he is starting to trust us...little by little. Even though the 10 days is hard for us to wait, it is going to be SO beneficial for his bonding to us before we take him away from his whole familiar world. Only 8 days to go & then he is ours OFFICIALLY!!!! We got back to the aprtment & crashed! After a 6 hour nap we are wide awake & it's 10 PM. I don't think we'll be going to bed anytime soon! We love you kids & happy birthday to Ben!!! We are looking forward to our visit with baby tomorrow & are hoping for more bonding progress. Goodnight from Russia!

1 comment:

  1. girl, every time I read your daily story it just brings tears to my eyes... I love you guys and pray that one day he knows how much you absolutely wanted him. :) prayers for you all and safe travels! thank you for keeping the blog! xoxox
