Friday, June 17, 2011

Waiting for our court date.....

We are now in mid-June & still no conformation on our court date. July 12 is the tentative date, but last week we were told about one more paperwork issue!!! Surprise, right?! It had to do with our social worker's was ridiculous, but has been taken care of & sent today. The judge said this wouldn't affect our court date, but still did not confirm it.....

Yes, we are frustrated & heartbroken that we are still waiting. We want to get to our son & get him home! In the midst of this, we are definitely being stretched in our faith & trust in God timing. It hurts, it's not fun, it's frustrating, but He knows best & has it all figured out all ready. Yesterday & today He showed how He was going to provide the last of the money we needed for our adoption expenses in Russia :) We've begun preparing & planning ahead with little things so that we have less to do when we hear the news of our court date. Our adoption agency agreed that we should go ahead with preparing what we can since we will probably have very short notice of our travel dates. So, that is where things are at. His room is ready, his suitcase is packed, most of the orphanage donations are packed, U.S. Embassy paperwork mostly put together, babysitters standing by for our travel dates, money in place by early next week, and many people praying us through this. If any of you who live in our area have baby/toddler clothes, toys, shoes, diapers, would like to get rid of, we will take them for the orphanage!! We were able to take two suitcases full on the first trip which were all donated by friends. We have half a suitcase packed with more donations & have a friend bringing more to us this weekend! We would love to bless the orphanage with as much as possible & appreciate everyone who has given to them.

Here is how we need you to pray from this point on:

1. Court date confirmation for July 12!!!! We will be leaving around July 7 if this works out, & from what we have been told it should. Pray for all of our travel plans which will most likely be last-minute.

2. Pray for the kids & babysitters who will be taking care of them. We are going to be gone about 25-26 days & this will be hard on all of us!

3. Pray for our court day & judge. Pray we will answer the questions in the right way & for the 10 day waiting period. It would be a miracle if it gets waived, but know it could happen.

4. Pray for Jonathan to bond with us & adjust to his new world once we get to take him from the orphanage. Pray especially for our new "normal" once we get home & for all of the kids to adjust to the changes.

5. Pray for our travel, safety, & for our luggage to make it this time!!!! After our experience with lost luggage last time, we would really love to not go through that again!

Thanks again to all of you out there who have been a part of this adventure with us. We don't know how we would have made it through this long period of waiting without you! We are blessed to have such an amazing support group. We will update with good news ASAP!

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